上海市 杨浦区 综合类 • 公办
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  • 上海出版印刷高等专科学校创建于1953年,是新中国建立的第一所出版印刷类学校,中国出版印刷专业教育的摇篮,国家新闻出版署(原国家新闻出版总署)与上海市人民政府共建的特色学校。2008年,学校在教育部高职高专院校人才培养工作水平评估中被评为优秀。2010年,学校被列为国家100所骨干建设高职院校单位之一,2015年通过教育部和财政部两部委验收并获得“优秀”等级。学校是国家高等职业教育专业教学资源库建设单位;是上海市建设现代大学制度的首批试点单位;上海市第一批依法治校示范校单位。2017年,学校1名教师入选第46届世界技能大赛申办形象大使,学校助力上海获得2021年世界技能大赛举办权。2018年荣获国家级教学成果二等奖,并获得教育部“传统技艺传承示范基地”称号。2021年,“分类评价”工作在上海“应用技能型院校”中再次以显著优势排名第一,社会行业影响力显著提升。

    近70年来为我国的出版印刷业培养了7万多名高层次技术骨干和行业高级管理人才。学生连续四届代表中国参加世界技能大赛,并分别在2013年和2015年荣获第42届和第43届世界技能大赛印刷媒体技术项目铜牌和银牌;在2017年和2018年连续两届美国印刷大奖中,学校师生勇夺其中15项最高奖项——班尼金奖(Benny Award)。中国印刷传媒高技能人才正陆续从学校走向世界。学校被人力资源社会保障部确定为第43、44、45届世界技能大赛印刷媒体技术项目中国集训基地,被授予“国家技能人才培育突出贡献奖”。学校被原国家新闻出版广电总局确定为“国家印刷出版人才培养基地”,连续五次被授予“技能人才培育突出贡献奖”。2018年3月,世界技能组织主席西蒙·巴特利受聘学校名誉教授,建立了“西蒙·巴特利中国技能研究工作室”。





    学校积极服务国家“一带一路”倡议,协助孟加拉国家印刷工业协会筹建印刷职业学院。与香港印刷科技研究中心、上海市印刷行业协会合作建立“Idealliance-China G7 培训基地”,大力开展境外技术技能培训。编写的《出版印刷人才培养教材》作为培训教材为“一带一路”沿线国家印刷员工开展印刷技能培训,推进了国际出版印刷服务合作、促进了出版印刷业与沿线国家的合作与交流。



    Founded in 1953, Shanghai Publishing and Printing College (SPPC) was the first higher educational institution linked to the publishing and printing industry in China. Co-sponsored by the former General Administration of Press and Publication and Shanghai Municipality, it is the cradle of professional education in this field. In 2008, SPPC was rated as excellent by the Ministryof Education in evaluation of talent training in higher vocational college. In 2010, it was listed as one of the 100 key construction units of higher vocational colleges in China. In 2015, it passed the inspection of the Ministryof Education and the Ministry of Finance and obtained the Excellent level. In 2017, a teacher of SPPC was selected as the image ambassador for the 46th World Skills Competition, and the college also helped Shanghai win the right to host the World Skills Competition in 2021.

    Over the past 68 years, SPPC has trained more than 60,000 high-level technical talentsand senior management personnel for China's publishing and printing industry. Asrepresentatives of China, some students in SPPC attend the World Skills Competition for three years, and won the bronze and silver medals in the Print Media Technology Projects of the 42nd and 43rd World Skills Competitions, in 2013 and 2015 respectively. In the two consecutive American Printing Awards in 2017 and 2018, teachers and students from SPPC won 15 of the highest awards -- the Benny Award. As high-skilled talents in China's print media are gradually moving from SPPC to the world, the college was identified by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security as the China Training Base for the 43rd, 44th and 45th Print Media Technology Project in World Skills Competition, and wasawarded the “National Skilled Talent Training Outstanding Contribution Award”. SPPC has also been identified as the National Training Base for Printing and Publishing Talents by the former State Press and Publication Administration and has been awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award for the Trainingof Skilled Talents for five times. In March 2018, Simon Bartley, Presidentof the World Skills Organization, was hired as an honorary professor in the collegeand established Simon Bartley China Skills Research Studio.

    SPPC takes it as its own responsibility to train technical and skilled talents whoserve the publishing and printing media industry in Shanghai and the wholecountry and adheres to the philosophy of “based in Shanghai, leading thecountry, rely on its advantages in the industry, and making a contribution tosociety”. With the characteristics of combination of engineering,literature and art; integration of editing, printing and development, and three-prongedway of teaching, learning and doing, SPPC is committed to building a distinctivecollege of applied technology skills, a national publishing and printing talenttraining base, a cultural and creative industry service base in Shanghai, and anadvanced media technology promotion base in the world.

    Adhering to the motto of “Advocating Morality, Promoting Virtue, Practice Earnestly and Dedicatedto Prosperity, SPPC is committed to connotative development,characteristic development, international development. By inheriting China'sexcellent publishing and printing culture, and actively absorbing internationaleducation ideas, advanced concepts, rich content, and flexible forms ofeducation, SPPC has formed three major professional groups: Printing Engineeringand Packaging Design, Publishing Dissemination and Cultural Managementand Art design and Film and Television Animation, which areinfiltrated by engineering, literature and art with distinctivecharacteristics. The college currently has the Department of Printing and PackagingEngineering, Department of Publishing and Dissemination, Department of PrintingEquipment Engineering, Department of Art and Design, Department of Cultural Management,Department of Film and Television Art, Department of Foundational Teaching, Departmentof Ideological and Political Education, College of Modern Media Technology and Art,the Office of Continuing Education and other teaching departments.

    Oriented by employment, SPPC eyes building a comprehensive college of engineering,literature and art, and pays attention to students' professional technicalskills training and vocational quality. Based on the industry situation, thecollege has formed a practical teaching system consisting of curriculumexperiments, production training, and internship practice. The college hasfirst-class experimental and training facilities, complete professionalequipment, and abundant experimental training programs. The Green Platemaking and Standardization Laboratory of flexographic Printing, built by SPPCas the leading unit, has been approved as the professional fieldlaboratory in the first batch of key laboratories of science, technology andstandards in the press and publishing industry, which is a national andprovincial key laboratory in project construction.

    SPPC attaches great importance to internationalcooperation and exchanges, and has forged a good partnership with universities,multinational companies and industry organizations across more than 30countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, Russia, Britain,France, Finland, Japan and Singapore. Among them, there are many internationalwell-known units, such as Rochester Institute of Technology in the UnitedStates, the University of Oulu in Finland, Nanyang Technology University inSingapore, Heidelberg Printing Machinery Co., Ltd in German and Komori Co., Ltdin Japan. The college cooperates with the Otterbein University (in the US), theRochester Institute of Technology, the French 3IS-Institut International de L’imageet du son (3IS) and the French Business college Art, Culture, Luxury, Cultural Heritage (EAC) to organize a numberof Chinese-foreign cooperative education projects approved by the ChineseMinistry of Education. Among them, the project of printing picture and textinformation processing (among colleges) jointly held by the university wasrated as the second Shanghai model Sino-foreign cooperative educationcommendation project. Since SPPC successfully completed the on-site evaluationof the American media Accrediting Council for Collegiate Graphic Communications(ACCGC) certification for print media technology, internationalized collegeinghas become the brand of SPPC.

    SPPC actively responded to the Belt and Road Initiative of the country, vigorouslycarried out overseas technical skills programs, set up a Bisheng Workshop TrainingBase in Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry in Uzbekistanand, andassisted the Bangladesh National Printing Industry Association in thepreparation of the printing vocational college. The book of Publishing andPrinting Personnel Training Textbook, as a training material, carries outprinting skills training for staff in countries along the Belt and Road, whichpromotes international publishing and printing service, and enhances thecooperation and exchanges between industry and the countries along the route.

    At present, the college has nearly 6,000 full-time students. The students trainedby the college have been widely welcomed by the employers. The employment rateof college graduates has been above 99% for many years, and the rate of undergraduate promotion hasbeen maintained at more than 15%.

    SPPC adheres to the concept of “invigorating colleges with distinctive features,establishing colleges with unique characteristics, and strengthening collegeswith talents”, consolidates the “trinity” achievements in the construction of anational model backbone vocational college. It dedicates to the college-enterprisecooperation with multiple members, and strives to build the college into aninternational leading institutions of higher vocational education in the fieldof Chinese publishing, printing and media. Striving to build the college into aleading institution of higher vocational education in the field of publishingand printing media in China with important international influence, it is committedto training high-end applied technical talents of printing and publishing mediawith international vision, humanistic literacy, artistic vision and innovativeconsciousness, so as to serve the economic, social and cultural development ofShanghai and the country.


  • 官方网址http://www.sppc.edu.cn
  • 官方电话021-65674045
  • 创建时间1953年
  • 占地面积303亩
  • 主管部门上海市
  • 学校地址校本部:上海市杨浦区水丰路100号,营口路校区:上海市杨浦区营口路101号
  • 校园风光